IWA Connect is IWA's online thriving network which enables you to engage with the diverse global network of IWA members. Network with fellow water specialists, share and learn about the latest science and best practices from around the world.
In a world increasingly needing to bridge divides and break out of silos, the IWA is building a cohesive network of water sector professionals who are creating impact to address global water challenges.
We understand the power of online platforms to mobilise, enable and engage beyond the borders of our workplaces to achieve our vision of a water wise world. A water wise world is managed to satisfy the needs of human activities and ecosystems in an equitable and sustainable way.
For this to be possible, we need more openness and fewer boundaries to enable conversations and collaborations that reach across sectors, industries and regions.
Join us and connect to IWAs global online community here on your new digital platform - IWA Connect. To start your online membership journey, login in and create your own virtual IWA experience.